A Future Generation

>> Wednesday, March 26, 2014

My Rebecca and grands at Southwood Elementary School
Pine Bluff, Arkansas

"...so that you can tell a future generation: 'This God, our God forever and ever - He will always lead us!'" (Psalm 48:13-14)

        In December, I asked the Lord for a trip to Pine Bluff, Arkansas - a place we lived years ago. God graciously granted my request. So last week, Rebecca and the grands met my sweet Phillip and me there. What a blessing to fellowship with old friends and walk old paths through our former neighborhood, former church, and our kids' former schools.
        Twenty-some-odd years ago, I was the young mother with three small children; now a "future" generation walks among us. And should the Lord tarry, another generation will soon follow.

        As I work week after week through teaching and writing responsibilities, I find myself asking, "Lord Jesus, why does the world need yet another Bible study, blog, or book?"
       Quietly tucked within the songs of Psalm, I found His answer: "So that you can tell a future generation: This God will always lead you!"
       "Selah! That's all I needed to know."

        May all our God callings enable a future generation to know Him!

"...and reaching forward to what lies ahead, I press on toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus!" (Phil. 3:13b-14)


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