Memaw Summer Camp - Day 2

>> Tuesday, May 24, 2016

Toddler-grand and goldfish

"Then God said, 'Let the waters swarm with fish...So God created great sea creatures and every living thing that scurries and swarms in the water..." (Gen. 1:20-21)

Lesson #1 - The Lord is God, and He made everything!

From Mr. Greenleaf's Unforgettable Summer:  

He studied the rocks with his protruding eyes and scanned the fishpond with his excellent binocular vision. Below the ivory pond lilies closed tight for the night, he spotted goldfish shimmering in the moonlight.

             Mr. Greenleaf hopped closer to the water’s edge and called down to the carp family,

“Excuse me, ladies and gentleman,
May I have your attention please?
Do you know a game to play
On water, rocks, or trees?”

            One lone fishy glided to the surface, stuck her round mouth above the water, and noiselessly opened and closed, opened and closed her thin, orange lips. Mr. Greenleaf strained his neck toward the visitor and said, “What’s that, madam? I can’t hear one burble that you’re saying.”

            Goldie simply winked a bubble eye, swirled around, and then returned to the other fish resting on the bottom of the pool. 



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