Will You Still Love Me

>> Thursday, November 2, 2017

fall family camping trip

"At this point many of His disciples turned away and deserted Him. Then Jesus turned to the Twelve and asked, 'Are you also going to leave?'" (John 6:66-67)

Because I long for next year's book, Seabound, to teach children to trust and love God in dark times, I asked the Lord to teach me how to paint unwavering faith into a story. Not only is He helping me write the manuscript, but He also laid out the outline for a 12-week Bible Study: "Will you still love Me? Trusting Jesus in the Darkness."

In John chapter 6, Jesus miraculously fed the 5,000, walked on water, and implored the crowds to believe on the One God sent to them.

"Show us a sign if you want us to believe!" shouted the people.

Jesus replied, "I am the Bread of life. For it is My Father's will that all who see His Son and believe in Him should have eternal life."

But the people murmured and argued and complained, "This is very hard to understand!"

Then John 6:66 reports that many of His followers deserted Him. (Sidenote: I find it interesting that John 6:66 records Jesus deserters. See Rev. 13:18.)

When Jesus asked the Twelve if they were going, too, I love Peter's response: "Lord, to whom would we go? You have the words that give eternal life. We believe, and we know You are the Holy One of God!"

Beloved, in the darkness, will you still love Jesus?


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