Bridge Out

>> Thursday, July 26, 2018

Kalmulga Covered Bridge
Childersburg, Alabama

"Finally, all of you should be of one mind. Sympathize with each other. Love each other as brothers and sisters. Be tenderhearted, and keep a humble attitude. Don't repay evil for evil. Don't retaliate with insults when people insult you. Instead, pay them back with a blessing. That is what God has called you to do, and He will grand you His blessing." (1 Peter 3:8-9)

My natural attitude toward someone acting unkind, foolish, hateful, or sinful is critical. Jesus' natural attitude toward someone acting unkind, foolish, hateful, or sinful is compassion. 

He explained it like this: "Jill, think of that person as someone running in the dark down a road toward a canyon and the bridge is out. Wouldn't you do everything in your power to save them?"

Beloved, the next time criticism spews from our heart, let's cap it with bridge-out compassion and pray rather than criticize!


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