
>> Friday, October 31, 2014

Mother's sewing drawer

"He heals the brokenhearted and binds up their wounds." 
(Psalm 147:3)

Spools of colored thread
Lined in a perfect row,
Sitting where she left them
So many years ago.

As I mend a raveled seam
It's her hands that I see,
Making Easter dresses or
School clothes just for me.

A simple sewing drawer with
Pins and pinking shears,
Yet a treasure box of memories
Of my sweet mother dear.

Her love, indeed, a healing
Salve that mended childhood cares -
Like skint knees or loose teeth
Or blue jeans with a tear.

The great love of a mother
What love would dare compare?
The love of God our Father whose
Own Son He did not spare.

In every moment of each day
God knows your hurts and pain.
Let Him bind your heartaches 
In the power of Jesus' name.


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