
>> Friday, July 15, 2016

Frank and Ruth Achenbach

Thus says the Lord.."Call to Me and I will answer you..."
(Jer. 33:2-3)

Ruth, my dear friend and spiritual mother, celebrated her 91st birthday yesterday. She called me before I could call her. Her mind is sharp, but her eyes are dim.

"I can't see the numbers on my phone very well," she said. "I tried over and over and over and over to punch those 10 digits in before I finally got you."

Last night, my cell phone sang again. 

"You're number 8!" Ruth shouted with excitement. "I had Charlie program you in my phone so I only have to push one number. Now I can call more often." 

I'm Ruth's #8. What a blessing. Thank You, Lord Jesus!

Beloved, have you talked to Jesus today? He's waiting for your call.


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