Wise in My Own Eyes or God's

>> Thursday, July 7, 2016

My Phillip and me, 1978

"And the people of Berea...listened eagerly to Paul's message. They searched the Scriptures day after day to see if Paul and Silas were teaching the truth." (Acts 17:11)

In the late 70s, my Phillip and I were privilege to sit under the teaching of Dr. Thomas J. DeLaughter, an Old Testament and Hebrew scholar and long-time professor at the New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary.

In youth and ignorance, Phillip made a bold contradictory statement  to which Dr. DeLaughter matter-of-factly responded, "Somebody doesn't know what the Bible says."

It's a worldwide epidemic - not knowing what the Bible says and not caring. Wise up, beloved. Search God's Scriptures day after day to see if what you hear and believe is true in your own eyes or God's.

Dr. Thomas J. DeLaughter


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