A funny thing happened on my way to the basement

>> Friday, January 4, 2019

all 7 grands

"For I consider that the sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared with the glory that is to be revealed to us." (Romans 8:18)

While waiting for the last family members to arrive so we could open Christmas presents, I ran some boxes down to the basement. On the third step from the bottom....

Let me back up a bit.

So, Rebecca and I were in the kitchen smelling my new set of essential oils, and I said, "Wow, this is enough to give you a headache."

Back to the third basement step from the bottom... 

In my haste, I twisted my ankle and swan-dived onto the basement floor breaking my left arm. The 9-year-old grand witnessed the crash and ran for help. When Rebecca came upon the scene - me sprawled on the floor holding my wrist over my heart - she thought, oh no,  the essential oils gave Mama a heart attack! Which nearly gave her a heart attack. Ha!

Compared to a heart attack, a broken arm isn't so bad - even after yesterday's surgery to put the radius back together with a metal plate and screws.

Suffering, beloved? Be encouraged. Great days with Jesus are ahead.


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