Mama's Pan

>> Thursday, September 23, 2021


Mama's bundt pan

". . . serve one another humbly in love." (Galatiana 5:13)

I remember sitting on the kitchen countertop as a little girl watching Mama pour the best tasting pound cake batter in the whole world into her heavy-duty bundt pan.

my brother Mark and me, 1959

At Christmastime, she'd bake orange-glazed pound cakes for the paper lady, the milkman, neighbors, and Christmas dinner at my grandparents' house.

In the summertime, it was buttermilk pound cakes topped with fresh-picked strawberries and whipped cream.

In later years, she moved in with us and the bundt pan did, too.

Yesterday, I baked a chocolate, sour cream, chocolate chip pound cake for our oldest grandboy's 16th birthday in that old pan filled with a lifetime of delicious memories . . . and love. 

Lord Jesus, thank You for sweet memories and a dear mother who served others humbly in love.


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