Biblical Parenting

>> Monday, September 23, 2013

My Rebecca and friend, Nikki, 1998

"It takes wisdom to have a good family, and it takes understanding to make it strong. " (Prov. 24:3)

        As a teenager, my daughter was passionate about the homeless, the outcast, and bringing the world to Jesus but just a bit apathetic when it came to cleaning up her own bedroom. One day while she was at school, I stepped into her "space" only to find clothes heaped on the floor, on the bed, under the bed, on her get the picture. As I planned, in my frustration, the dire consequences that I would heap upon my "Miss Messy's" head, the Holy Spirit whispered, "I have a wiser plan."
        At His instructions, I left this note for Rebecca:

         Help, Help! Please have mercy upon us! We are homeless
         and would appreciate any shelter you could offer - a drawer,
         a closet, even a dirty-laundry basket! Please, please won't
         you help us!!!!
                                                                                Your clothes
         With a smile on her face (and in her mama's heart), Rebecca cleaned her room that very afternoon. 

          Need some godly, helpful, wise parenting advice with your toddler, child, or teen? Listen to Pastor Chris Hodges' excellent sermon "Biblical Parenting" at 


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