My Funny Girl

>> Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Our beautiful, funny Rebecca
"Our mouths were filled with laughter, our tongues with songs of joy." (Psalm 126:2a)

Smile for the day:
      Even after my children were in college, I still went to the doctor with them. On one of those visits, a sweet nurse handed my daughter a "specimen" cup and simply said, "Go to the end of the hall."
      Naive Rebecca said, "Thank you!" and then proceeded to to the water fountain beside the restroom. When she came back drinking from the cup, the nurse almost fainted and sputtered, "What are you doing???" 
     We laughed until we cried. Later, Rebecca said, "I wondered how she knew I was thirsty!"

     The point of this story? Just to add a little joy to your day (and if someone hands you a cup - never assume!) HA!

             "A joyful heart
                   is good medicine,
                        but a broken spirit,
                           dries up the bones."
                                       (Prov. 17:22) 


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