Pass the Ball

>> Wednesday, February 10, 2016

Our little superstar #4

"Yes, there are many parts, but only one body." 
(1 Cor. 12:20 NLT)

When it comes to basketball, our "Flash" is a little superstar. He steels the ball, dribbles down the court, and scores - steels the ball, dribbles down the court, and scores - to the point that his coach sometimes must remind him to pass the ball!

Coach's wise advice also applies to small groups. When it comes to talking, it doesn't take long to figure out who, like me, are the ball hogs and which ladies sit quietly on the sidelines. So at last night's meeting, I encouraged us "talkers" to remember to pass the ball! 

Attention all talkers, remember to pass the ball. Attention you silent ones, take that ball and score! It's good for the team.


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