A Visit with Nonie Webb

>> Saturday, August 5, 2017

L-R My dear friends: Mary and 91-years-young Nonie Webb

"Is not wisdom found among the aged? Does not long life bring understanding?" (Job 12:12)

How do you describe a visit with Nonie Webb in one word? Mind-blowing!!!

Mind-blowing beauty - 91-year-old cheeks with no wrinkles  and 91-year-old arms with no age spots.

Mind-blowing mobility - no shuffle to her 91-year-old feet, but flitting about her yard and home like a hummingbird from blossom to blossom.

Mind-blowing stories!

The story of the gorgeous, young Nonie...

purposely falling at the feet of a handsome, blond-headed, blue-eyed sailor on a roller-skating dance floor...

and sweeping Ken Webb off his feet. Nonie said, "I got him before the other girls could."

The unheard of story of a 1950s Nonie winning the "Oscar of Salesmanship" in Oakland, California and becoming the only female top director of a large corporation.

The heart-warming story of  a  highly successful, driven career woman recognizing the distance from her beloved, Ken, that climbing the corporate ladder had created and deciding to resign and move from California to rural Tennessee where she poured her endless energies into uncovering the history of the place her husband loved most: Marion County.

Some forty years later, Nonie's home is a mind-blowing Marion County historical museum of information and photos dating back as far as the days of the early Native Americans. 

In her office, she took Mary's hand and mine and said, "Let's pray. Jill, you pray."

I said, "Okay, what are we praying about?"

Nonie said, "To thank God for today!"

And I'm still thanking Him!

21 Days of Prayer, August 6-26:


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