Spike the Snake

>> Tuesday, April 6, 2021

grandboys and granddaddy

"You will trample upon lions and cobras; you will crush fierce lions and serpents under your feet." (Psalm 91:13)

Easter afternoon, Granddaddy invented a new game to develop the grandboys' spikeball skills: spike the snake. The goal was to hit  a rubber cobra with the spikeball and make it jump off the net. They loved it!

Psalm 91, a song of God's protection and victory over the enemy, is sometimes called the Soldier's Psalm. In World War I, the 91st Brigade recited the 91st Psalm daily. Although these soldiers engaged in three of the bloodiest battles, the 91st Brigade suffered no combat-related deaths. Other units had up to 90% casualties.

Each night before going to sleep, Phillip and I pray Psalm 91 over our family — our kids and grandkids.  Beloved, memorize Psalm 91, meditate on it, and pray it out loud for your family. It could be a matter of life or death.


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