Open Doors

>> Friday, June 26, 2015

illustration from Mr. Greenleaf's Unforgettable Summer
By my friend and talented artist, Dawn Copeland

"I have opened a door for you that no one can close."
(Rev. 3:8b NLT)

I must confess that I'm hurrying today as I write this post. Because  the door opened to submit Mr. Greenleaf's Unforgettable Summer to LifeWay Christian Stores, I'm eager to get Mr. Greenleaf in the mail. 

LifeWay's Nashville corporate headquarters receives thousands upon thousands of submissions. So what are our chances of being selected? 100% or 0% - one hundred percent if God opens that door, and zero if He doesn't.

Never forget that our God is the almighty, powerful, in control, sovereign, omnipotent. Job said to Him, "When You give quietness who then can make trouble" (Job 34:29)?

Beloved, what door of opportunity stands before you today? Go for it! "If God is for us, who can ever be against us" (Romans 8:31 NLT)?


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