Out of the Mouths of Babes

>> Monday, February 8, 2016

Our grands:  "Princess" and "Flash"

"For nothing will be impossible with God." (Luke 1:37)

My daughter recently overheard this conversation between two of her children:

Flash: "What are idols?"

Princess: "They're like gods."

Flash: "There's not a lot of gods."

Princess: "Some people think there are lots of gods."

Flash: "Oh."

Princess: "But there's only one God."

Flash: "Yeah, and He's in control of everything."

Princess: "Yeah, He can do anything He wants."

Flash: "He's strong enough to hold the whole world in His hands and move it."

Princess: "He can even make a unicorn appear right here if He wanted to."

There is one God. He's in control. He is strong. Nothing is impossible for Him. Take courage, beloved!


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