What's The Story

>> Friday, November 1, 2019

Superman and me
Elkmont Historic District
Smoky Mountains Tennessee

According to visitmysmokies.com: 

"The Element Historic District is one of the most fascinating areas to visit in the Great Smoky Mountains... The area that would become Element was first settled in the 1840s... Around the turn of the century, logging became a booming industry in the Smoky Mountains. The Little River Lumber Company was formed in 1901 when Pennsylvania businessman Colonel Wilson B. Townsend purchased 86,000 acres of land along the river. To transport the freshly cut timber, Colonel Townsend built a railroad that connected the riverside logging site to the his company's sawmill in Tuckaleechee Cove. Before long, the logging railway began transporting not just lumber, but people too... The Little River area became so popular with Knoxville's upper crust that they bought land from the company to set up their own resort community."

Today, the National Park Service is restoring many of the old, abandoned cabins. As we stood by one of the historic chimneys, I wondered, "What was its story?"

The greatest story ever told, however, is God's story. Sally Lloyd-Jones wrote: "It takes the whole Bible to tell this Story. And at the center of the Story, there is a Baby. Every story in the Bible whispers His name."

Want to know God's story, beloved? Open the Bible to Genesis, chapter one. "In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth. The earth was formless and empty, and darkness covered the deep waters. And the Spirit of God was hovering over the surface of the waters. Then God said, 'Let there be light,' and there was light...

Keep reading, beloved This Story can save your life!


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