Serve-One-Another Week

>> Monday, July 6, 2020

my superman grinding a stump for our son

"God has given each of you a gift from His great variety of spiritual gifts. Use them to serve one another." (1 Peter 4:10)

Saturday, July 11th is our annual Serve Day, but because this summer's physical distancing makes things work a little differently, our church is sponsoring Serve Week.

Here are just a few serve-safely ideas:
  1. Write a note of encouragement to someone.
  2. Text someone a Bible verse.
  3. Pay for the person's meal behind you in a drive through.
  4. Call someone living alone.
  5. Mow your neighbor's yard.
  6. Do something special for a family member in your own home.
  7. Pray for your leaders.
  8. Treat someone to a "ding-dong ditch" (leaving goodies on their doorstep)

What creative ideas to serve another can you think up and do, beloved?


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