Sword Wielders

>> Wednesday, December 16, 2015

Toddlergrand and his light saber sword

"Mobilize! Marshal your troops! The enemy is laying siege..." (Micah 5:1)

As kids, our boys fought many a "bad guy" with their trusty Star Wars, light saber swords; and now, we're enjoying the next generation of sword wielders.

Ladies and gentlemen, we are at war - not with flesh-and-blood enemies, but against mighty powers of darkness and authorities of the unseen world, evil spirits in the heavenly places (Eph. 6:12) conspiring to steal, kill, and destroy marriages, children, families, churches, nations, and our very lives.

Will we stand by and allow the enemy to lay siege? No! Mobilize, today! Marshal the troops! Be strong in the Lord and in His mighty power, put on God's full armor to stand firm against the strategies of the devil, and fight the good fight with the sword of the Spirit, which is the Word of God. 

O Christian, pray God's Word over loved ones, troubles, trials, and heartaches! Wield the Sword! For the Word of God is alive and powerful! It's sharper than a two-edged sword (Heb. 4:12 NLT). 

"Despite these things, overwhelming victory is ours through Christ, who loved us." (Romans 8:37)


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