Considerations from Daniel: Part 1

>> Wednesday, January 2, 2013

           January 2, 2013 , back to the ol’ routine. Yippee-skippy! Seriously! My sweet husband and I are truly blessed in that we both actually enjoy our work! His work is managing timberland; my work is teaching and writing lessons assigned to me by the Lord. One assignment for these wintry, January days is preparing the spring semester Women’s Bible Study: Daniel, Resolve and Hope.
            Today’s consideration:
Mighty King Nebuchadnezzar once ruled over Babylon – an ancient, dark land infused with depravity and tarnished by strange gods.  In 605 B.C., the formidable Babylonian army besieged Jerusalem and forcibly carted off handpicked, royal young men who were good-looking, and endowed with wisdom, intelligence, and discerning knowledge.
The teens were then indoctrinated into that pagan culture through a three-year curriculum at “Babylon University”. But, among the captives, a lad named Daniel, in spite of grim circumstances, “made up his mind that he would not defile himself ”(Dan. 1:8a). Daniel never returned home to Jerusalem. Into old age, the prophet remained faithful to his God and served as a tool in God’s hands within the governments of four Gentile kings in that foreign country.

The perilous episodes and astounding prophecies recorded in the book of Daniel clearly announce that there is a God in heaven, He is in control, and there is no limit to what He can do through a life fully devoted to Him!

Beginning, January 29th, the “Daniel, Resolve and Hope” Women’s Study will be offered at the following locations in the Birmingham, Alabama area:

Tuesdays: Woodlawn Dream Center @ 9:00am & N. Avondale Library @ 10:30am
Wednesdays: Greystone Area @ 9:00am
Thursdays: Bessemer Foundry Community Center @ 11:30am

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