Woe is Me!

>> Thursday, August 28, 2014

"Mr. Greenleaf's" goldfish pond

"For if I preach the gospel, I have nothing to boast of, for I am under compulsion; for woe is me if I do not preach the gospel." (1 Cor. 9:16)

            Even though my latest storybook, Hoot Owl Hollow, was released only two weeks ago, I'm already working feverishly on storybook #4: Mr. Greenleaf's Unforgettable Summer. Like the apostle Paul, I am under compulsion, and woe is me if I do not write Christian family storybooks!

What is God compelling you to do? Are you doing it?

Preview from Mr. Greenleaf's Unforgettable Summer:

Chapter 1
Mr. Greenleaf’s Not-So-Typical Day

            Mr. Greenleaf had lived beside the goldfish pond in Mrs. Willowkins’ flower garden as long as he could remember – which wasn’t too, very long since jumping and hopping, not recollecting, are a tree frog’s strong suits. Hidden behind one stone south and two rocks west of the waterfall, his tiny cave provided shade from summer sun, shield from wind and rain, and shelter from winter’s bitter cold.
“A pleasanter cottage a froggie is yet to find,” J. Jehoshaphat Greenleaf estimated.
            A typical “day” for Mr. Greenleaf began when the sun slid under Double Oak Mountain and stars sparkled over Blue Heron Lake, because tree frogs are strictly nocturnal, you see – sleeping in sunshine and hunting and leaping and singing and playing in the dark of night. So our story begins once upon a summer sunset…

Twilight had faded to owllight, and the cricket choir sang a spirited tune to the beat of bullfrog bellows rising from the big lake below the Willowkins’ small fishpond. Mr. Geenleaf opened his black peepers and slowly stretched his slim, lime legs.

Time for breakfast, he thought and then hopped through the small crevice to a narrow ledge above the pool. When a mosquito buz-z-z-z-z-zed by, out darted his long, sticky tongue, and breakfast was done.

Mr. Greenleaf’s Unforgettable Summer Copyright © 2014 Jill Watson Glassco


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