A Brighter Day

>> Wednesday, July 10, 2019

my family

"Jacob...traveled on to Succoth. There he built himself a house and made shelters for his livestock. That is why the place was named Succoth (which means shelter)." (Genesis 33:17)

In the middle of the night many years ago, the Lord indisputably called our young family to provide temporary housing for women and children in a local shelter. We named the ministry Succoth from Genesis 33:17.

Recently, I found a poem that one of the dear ladies wrote to us  in 1993 when my father was very ill with cancer. Esther wrote:

While sitting here with nothing to do,
I suddenly thought of you.
And all the things you've done for us
and helped to see us through.

I wondered what I could do for you,
In this time of desperation.
For our gratitude, I first thought prayer,
Then words of inspiration
They always seem to lighten the load
In every situation.

For this thing you're going through right now,
Is soon to be okay.
God knows how deep the hurt you feel,
And there'll be a brighter day.

So hold on to your faith,
And let God work things out.
He knows exactly what to do
When we're running all about.
He loves us all, and we must try to understand,
The mysterious ways that things work out.
Must have been in plan.

Esther, wherever you are now, I hope and pray you've found your brighter day!


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