The Aerial Chair

>> Wednesday, July 3, 2019

my dear brother, Mark

"Those who hope in the LORD will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles..." (Isaiah 40:30)

In Hannah Hurnard's Hinds' Feet on High Places, Much-Afraid finds herself at the foot of a steep-walled mountain. Just where the insurmountable cliffs loomed the steepest and highest, an overhead cable with aerial chairs hung between the foot of the pinnacle and the summit far above, offering the little shepherdess a way to the top without any effort on her part.

Beside her, the Shepherd smiled and said, "Come, Much-Afraid, we will  seat ourselves in the first chairs. All you have to do is to trust yourself to the chair and be carried in perfect safety up to the place to which I wish to take you."

In a minute, they were moving smoothly and steadily toward the High Places which had looked impossibly out of reach, supported entirely from above.

Across my eight-year, book-writing journey, I've searched and hoped and prayed for an "aerial chair" to take my little children's books to places that seem impossibly out of reach. Recently I've come to understand that the "Aerial Chair" has been with me all along. Heavenly Father supports me from above, Lord Jesus sits beside me everyday, and His Spirit carries me along the way—all the power needed to take a storybook or His child in perfect safety to the places He wishes her to go.

Looking for a way up, beloved? Turn your eyes and your heart upon God—Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.


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