Happy Birthday, Hot Rod!

>> Friday, September 27, 2013

Memaw and Granddaddy's little Hot-Rod, 2007

"The boy grew up and became strong, filled with wisdom, and God's grace was on Him." 
(Luke 2:40)

          Happy 8th Birthday, 
               Hot Rod!!!

     Eight years old! WOW! It seems like yesterday that your mom, dad, granddaddy, and I were taking turns holding you all through the night because you slept only if you were snuggled up in our arms.
      God has given you amazing gifts and talents. You are an incredible builder! Even at two and three years old, you blew our minds with your seemingly impossible creations. 
       I'm so grateful that you are growing up in the nurture and admonition of the Lord - learning to love and obey Jesus. I hope you will always hold your memaw's hand; but more importantly, I fervently pray that you will forever hold tightly to the hand of Jesus! I love you sooooooooo much!


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