
>> Wednesday, September 25, 2013

L-R Ben, Rhett, Rebecca, April, and Dan
Shenandoah National Park, 2001
"When they came up out of the water, the Spirit of the Lord snatched Philip away; and the eunuch no longer saw him, but went away rejoicing. But Philip found himself at Azotus, and as he passed through he kept preaching the gospel to all the cities until he came to Caesarea." (Acts 8:39-40)

    "With people it is impossible, but not with God..." (Mark 10:27a)

     The Glasscos and McKenzies met in 1984 and instantly became fast friends forever. In 2006, I told Rhett about my "impossible prayer list" - things I was asking God for that were possible only through Him. Rhett asked, "Miss Jill, would you please put me on that impossible prayer list, and ask God to help me meet this year the girl I'm going to marry?"
     Months passed, December ended, and a new year began with no new girls in Rhett's life. He said, "I guess God said no to my impossible request." 
      HOWEVER, only a few months later, he and Lauren - a girl he'd known since middle school - began dating and were married in 2008. God had already answered Rhett's prayer before it was even spoken! For their wedding gift, we gave them a beautifully framed rendition of Matthew 19:26 which reads:
                "....but with God all things are possible."

     Bring to Jesus your list of impossibilities. Who knows, Almighty God may have already set into to motion the circumstances to make your dreams come true!


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