The Good Old Days

>> Thursday, April 16, 2015

L-R my brother Rocky, me, and my brother, Mark

"How wonderful, how beautiful, when brothers and sisters get along! It's like costly anointing oil flowing down head and  beard... It's like the dew on Mount Hermon flowing down the slopes of Zion." (Psalm 133:1-3 The Message)

I just got home from visiting one of my dear brothers who's currently in the hospital. We had a great visit and agreed that we are highly blessed to have been born in in United States of America during the post WWII era into (our biased opinion) the best family ever. When my brothers and I get together, we retell the same old stories over and over and over again but never tire of hearing them. 

I think I've told this story before; but oh well, it's worth repeating. 

On a hot summer afternoon in 1959, we'd planned to stop for snow cones on the way home from the A & P (a popular grocery back in the day); but when Mama couldn't find a parking place, she took us home. To hush my wails of disappointment, my two "sweet" brothers gave me a dime and snuck me out a bedroom window to head back to town for the snow cone stand.

After I left, they reckoned that letting a three-year-old hike down Lookout Mountain along a busy highway alone might not be a good idea after all. So they told my mother that I ran away!!! I was almost to the highway by the time she ran me down in the Ford Fairlane. I got a good spanking, and it would be years and years before they confessed to being my accomplices.

Beloved, when was the last time you told your brother or sister you loved them? Why not tell them today.


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