Keep Sowing

>> Thursday, April 30, 2015

my friend, Richard

"Let us not lose heart in doing good, for in due time we will reap if we do not grow weary." (Gal. 6:9)

Like a gentle breeze across a blistering summer day, the hand of God sometimes touches so softly that unless on watch, you'll miss it. Yesterday, I witnessed the love of Jesus fall like droplets on the tender herb.

My friend, Rachel, started coming to ladies' Bible study a couple of years ago, and her twenty-eight-year-old son, always accompanies her. Richard is autistic as well as mentally disabled and usually speaks in one or two word utterances. (I once asked him what was his favorite animal at the zoo. Richard promptly replied, "Elephants." I said, "Oh, you like the elephants?" He said, "Yes, ROLL TIDE!" He's also an avid Bama football fan.)

For two years, I've observed this young man sit quietly during our Scripture lessons and wondered how much he understood. Yesterday, Richard brought a notebook to the N. Avondale Library where we meet. He sat down at the table, smiled, and opened the black binder. Inside, a Bible was duck taped into the notebook; and with no help or prompting, he turned directly to the book of Joshua where we've been studying for the past three months. My heart soared with praise and thanksgiving to God!

Beloved, whatever work the Lord has set before you, never fear that it's in vain. Keep sowing God's seeds of love and truth, dear one, and one day He will reap a harvest!


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