Law of Percentages

>> Monday, April 24, 2017

Our Dan, Mandy, and 100% grandboy

"Not a single one of all the good promises the LORD had given to the family of Israel was left unfulfilled; everything He had spoken came true." (Joshua 21:45)

According to the weather man, Birmingham had a 20% chance of rain over the weekend. But God said, "Rain!" And when we got home from Indiana, we found 1 1/2" of water in our rain gauge.

When our fourth grandboy was conceived, the doctors said the tiny embryo had a 10% chance of survival. But God said, "Life!" And a running, rock-throwing, playing-in-the-dirt, 100% boy came into our family.

In the book of Genesis, God promised childless-at-the-time Abram (later Abraham) that his family would become a great nation and inherit a Promise Land. A son came and a nation grew, but, seemingly counterintuitive to God's promise, the nation of Israel fell into 400 years of slavery in Egypt. God delivered His people through Moses, but, due to unbelief, the Israelites wandered in a dry and thirsty wilderness for 40 years. Joshua and God's people finally entered the land of milk and honey but would defeat 31 kings in battle after battle after battle before taking possession of the Promise Land (about 700 years after God's promise to Abraham).

God's law of percentages: if God says it, chances are 100% - no matter how long it takes. If God does not, it's 0%, my friend. And that's the 100% truth of every matter.


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