
>> Tuesday, April 4, 2017

My superman in his U. of Tennessee Chattanooga football days

"My beloved is mine and I am his..." (Song of Solomon 2:16)

Happy 62nd birthday, superman!!!

How do I love thee? Let me count the ways. I love...
  1. the way you love God.
  2. the way you love me.
  3. the way you love our children.
  4. the way you love our grandchildren.
  5. the way you protect me.
  6. the way you take care of me.
  7. the way you provide for me.
  8. the way you provide for our family.
  9. the way you pray for me.
  10. the way you pray for our family.
  11. the way you pray for extended family and friends.
  12. the way you encourage me and others.
  13. the way you support my children's book journey.
  14. your contentment.
  15. your great faith in Jesus.
  16. the way you lead our family.
  17. the way you sacrifice your wants for ours.
  18. your extreme generosity.
  19. the way you love our doggies: Bell, Gabe, and Lucy.
  20. the way you make life fun.
  21. the way you cared for your mother as a widow.
  22. the way you cared for my mother as a widow.
  23. the way you cared for me in 2014 sickness.
  24. the way you loved and guided our teenagers.
  25. your love of Christ's church.
  26. your love for God's word.
  27. your obedience to God.
  28. your ability to memorize chapters of Scripture.
  29. your love for your job.
  30. your dedication to RMS.
  31. your intelligence.
  32. your wisdom.
  33. your kindness.
  34. your faithfulness to God.
  35. your faithfulness to me.
  36. your "hairbrained" ideas (most of the time).
  37. your amazing programming and computer skills.
  38. kissing you.
  39. our romantic get-aways.
  40. reading together.
  41. holding your big ol' tan hands.
  42. our adventures together. (Today, I found pictures of our first snow skiing trip to Jackson Hole in 1979.)
  43. your strength.
  44. your powerful, good-looking legs. :)
  45. your love of farming.
  46. worshipping together.
  47. working together.
  48. playing together.
  49. walking through life with you.
  50. watching you water ski.
  51. your love for the river and farm.
  52. that we met two weeks after you asked God to show you the girl you would marry.
  53. that your mother dedicated you to God while you were in her womb.
  54. your ability to fix things.
  55. that you think outside the box.
  56. still dreaming with you.
  57. tandem biking with you.
  58. hiking with you.
  59. walking the woods trails at the farm with you.
  60. going to new places with you.
  61. being Mrs. Phillip Glassco for almost 40 years.
  62. you, superman!


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