Rock-solid Foundation

>> Tuesday, May 3, 2016

My beloved parents
Mt. Rubidoux, CA

"These words I speak to you are not incidental additions to your life, homeowner improvements to your standard of living. They are foundational words, words to build a life on. If you work these words into you life, you are like a smart carpenter who built his house on solid rock. Rain poured down, the river flooded, a tornado hit - but nothing moved that house! It was fixed to the rock. But if you just use My words in Bible studies and don't work them into your life, you are like a stupid carpenter who built his house on the sandy beach. When a storm rolled in and the waves came up, it collapsed like a house of cards." (Matthew 7:24-27 The Message)

In their fifty-one years of marriage, my parents stood firm through Daddy's two-year overseas deployment in World War II, Mother's tuberculosis while he was away, financial challenges, raising three kids, Mother's  lupus and breast cancer, and finally Daddy's diagnosis and ultimate death from bladder cancer. They didn't talk about God's Word as much as they lived it.

Is life crumbling around you, beloved? Check your foundation. There's only one rock-solid foundation, and His name is Jesus Christ (1 Cor. 3:11). Build your life on His words.


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